WebRifleŽ 2.0.5 ReadMe (local page) This is the local WebRifleŽ readme page and it's automatically displayed when you aren't online. Please read carefully before to use WebRifleŽ. About What's WebRifle Key Benefits Key Features How it Works Installation Requirements Running Setup Startup Folder Installation Files Cautions Uninstallation Configuration Auto-Settings Manual-Settings License Agreement License Disclaimer Of Warranty Distribution Copyrights FAQ & Support Related Items OnLine Help News FAQ Download Registration About What's WebRifle WebRifleŽ 2.x is a real-time web surfing accelerator specifically designed for Internet ExplorerŽ 4/5 to achieve a faster and more effective approach to the internet. It enhances your web navigation by predicting your need for web pages with a sophisticated algorithm to anticipate hyperlinks and to retrieve web pages before the browser needs to display them. And if you drag&drop some links into WebRifleŽ control window it will download your links in the background while you're surfing. Moreover a built-in TCP-IP transport protocol optimizer increases your modem or network bandwidth by efficiently taking full advantage of each unused instant of your internet connection. WebRifleŽ works automatically "behind the scene" without user interaction. It's fully integrated with Internet ExplorerŽ and don't require any user settings. And if a Web page has changed since the last time you visited it, WebRifleŽ, using its auto-refresh background function, will refresh it automatically. This new version is an important upgrade and includes the following features: drag&drop of user links, auto-refresh of current page, compatibility with Internet ExplorerŽ 4 and 5 on Windows 95/98/NT and performance improvements of around 30%. WebRifleŽ means faster navigation, as well as shorter and cheaper connections . WebRifleŽ can make enjoy your internet navigation and save you money. Key Benefits Faster and more effective approach to internet. Money saving through reduced connection time. It is specifically designed for Internet ExplorerŽ 4/5 on Windows 95/98/NT It works automatically "behind the scene" without user interaction. Key Features Predictive read-ahead caching with a sophisticated algorithm to anticipate hyperlinks and to retrieve web pages before the browser needs to display it. Drag&Drop and download your links in the background while you're surfing. Full integration with Internet ExplorerŽ Integrated cache with Internet ExplorerŽ, no waste of disk space. Auto-setting on Internet ExplorerŽ and WinInetŽ cache and proxy settings. Auto-tuning on Internet ExplorerŽ and WinInetŽ parameters. Auto-tuning on browser content-type capability. Internet ExplorerŽ multi-instance control. Background control of current page with auto-refresh if needed. Multi-threading execution for simultaneous caching up to 50 pages. It increases your modem bandwidth with built-in TCP-IP transport protocol optimizer. It caches every type of page contents (html, images, JavaŽ applets, etc..) and filters banners and cookies. How it Works This section is graphics and it's available only online; please take a look at Help page online. Installation Requirement WebRifleŽ is based on VB5 Run-Time Service Pack 3. Therefore, if you don't have the VB5 Run-Time, the WebRifleŽ setup program will inform you. Only in this case download the VB5 Run-Time and install it before WebRifleŽ. WebRifleŽ needs Internet ExplorerŽ 4/5 with Active Desktop component installed, Windows 95/98/NT, 3 MByte HD free space and WinZip 6.3 or above. Running Setup Extract the WebRifleŽ zipfile in a temporary directory and read the ReadMe.htm file first. If you have a previous version of WebRifleŽ already installed in your system you must uninstall it before install WebRifleŽ 2.x. Then double-click on the TESetup.exe file which will begin the installation. All files in the temporary directory may be deleted once the installation is complete. Startup Folder WebRifleŽ setup will add a link to TE.exe into your startup folder. WebRifleŽ will start on system startup and will stay resident without user interaction. During the waiting status the resource usage of WebRifleŽ is minimal. Installation Files The WebRifleŽ setup program will install and/or replace these files in your system : WebRifleŽ Files (WebRifle directory) : TE.exe, ReadMe.htm. WebRifleŽ Files (windows system directory) : TELib.dll, ComCtl32.ocx. The VB5 Run-Time setup program will install and/or replace these files in your system : Visual Basic 5 Run-Time Files (windows system directory) : Asycfilt.dll, Comcat.dll, Ctl3d32.dll, Msvbvm50.dll, Oleaut32.dll, Olepro32.dll, Stdole2.tlb. Cautions Like any other setup programs WebRifleŽ involves making changes to your registry. Whenever registry changes are made, it is always advisable to backup your registry first. Uninstallation Like any other Windows program you can uninstall WebRifleŽ from the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel. Don't try to delete the Visual Basic Runtime files manually. Configuration Auto-Settings As it's strongly integrated with Internet ExplorerŽ, most of WebRifleŽ settings are automatic. The WebRifleŽ project aims at being easy-to-use. Thus, despite the complexity of WebRifleŽ, only few manual settings are provided. My suggestion is to use the default settings and tune only "Concurrent Links" based on the throughput of your internet connection. If you give a look to the How It Works section you will be able to understand the meaning of following manual settings. Manual-Settings From the Standard Settings folder you can change these settings: Concurrent Links : Is the number of concurrent page download. Set this value on the throughput of your internet connection. A value of 5-10 concurrent download is for standard modem connection, increase it with faster connection (ISDN etc..). Max Length Files : Is the maximum length files allowed to download it. Decrease it if you prefer not to download large files or, vice versa, increase it if you have fast internet connection. Start On Page Completed : It sets the start for the download. If this flag is checked (default) WebRifleŽ will start following the link on the page after the page will be complete. Follow Remote Links : It sets the path for the download. If this flag is checked (default) WebRifleŽ will follow the remote link (to a page which is on a different server from that of the starting page..). If this flag is unchecked WebRifleŽ will follow only local links (to a page which is on the same server of the starting page). First Follow Local Links : It sets the sequence for the download. If this flag is checked (default) WebRifleŽ will follow the local link (to a page which is on a different server from that of the starting page..) and after will follow the remote link. If this flag is not checked, the sequence will depend on the page structure. Save Files Into Cache : It sets the storing mode of downloaded link. If this flag is checked (default) WebRifleŽ won't delete links not yet visited by the WebRifleŽ cache at the shutdown. This mode of operation doesn't waste your hard disk space because WebRifleŽ uses the same cache mechanisms of Internet ExplorerŽ, therefore you can delete the WebRifleŽ cache from the Internet ExplorerŽ cache menu, whenever you want. From the Advanced Settings folder you can change these settings: Load When Filter Is OFF: In this frame you can set which types of files WebRifleŽ will download when the filter function is disabled ( normal condition.. ). Of course at least one type must be selected; for default, when filter is off all file types are downloaded. Load When Filter Is ON: In this frame you can to set which type of files WebRifleŽ will download when the filter function is enabled. For default when filter is on only text files are downloaded. Cache Acceleration/Page Refresh: It sets the WinInetŽ cache mode and, consequently, the Internet ExplorerŽ and WebRifleŽ cache mode. This setting is equivalent to the Internet ExplorerŽ cache settings available from the Options function of Internet ExplorerŽ and have the same meaning; if you want faster navigation select "Max/If Needed" otherwise if you need frequent page refresh (every Internet ExplorerŽ session..) select "Medium/Every Session". If you select "Min/Always" Internet ExplorerŽ and WebRifleŽ must refresh the page every time and navigation could be slow. If you change this settings it will have effect after the next reboot. If you select "Max/If Needed" the auto-refresh function of WebRifleŽ will update the page if needed. NOTE: This feature is available if the web server is able to send the expiration time of pages. Max Links Page: Is the maximum amount of links allowed for every page; this limit is necessary because a large amount of links on a page can require high download. You can decrease this value if your preferred sites have page with a lot of links. License Agreement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement. License WebRifleŽ (with the 'Standard' features) is freeware for personal use only, and may only be distributed with all of its original files. No version of WebRifle may be used in any commercial, governmental, or educational institutions without registration. A 15 day evaluation period is provided for the 'Additional' features, after which they will no longer be available unless WebRifleŽ is registered. Go to Registration page online for details about registration. A single registered copy of WebRifleŽ grants you a non-exclusive license to use WebRifleŽ on a single unit of hardware. You may access the registered version of WebRifleŽ through a network, provided that you have obtained individual licenses for WebRifleŽ covering all computers that will run WebRifleŽ from the network. For instance, if six different workstations will access WebRifleŽ on the network,you will need six WebRifleŽ license, whether they use WebRifleŽ at different times or concurrently. Disclaimer Of Warranty THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES (IF ANY) ARE PROVIDED AND SOLD "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT ANY DEFECTS DISCOVERED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY THE AUTHOR OR ANY OF THEIR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Note: Because software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors, you are strongly advised to frequently verify and back up your work. Distribution You are hereby granted permission to duplicate and distribute WebRifleŽ; give exact copies of the original version to anyone; and distribute the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. Copyrights The software contained herein (WebRifleŽ), its documentation, source code and other machine and human readable materials are copyrighted by Oscar Bevoni (the author). All rights are reserved. It is against the law to copy or reproduce any part of the software or documentation, except as permitted by the copyright law of Italy. You must reproduce and include the copyright notice on any copy, modification or portion thereof merged into another software, with the exception of user programs. All source code is copyrighted by the laws of Italy and this agreement shall be governed by the laws of Italy. FAQ & Support I will update the FAQ online to solve the most common technical question about installation and troubleshooting. If you can't solve your problem with the FAQ then contact me with e-mail to WebRifle@bevoni.com . Technical support is due to registered users only; you must reference your TE code and TE key ( give a look in About function..) to receive support. Sometimes, it is a good idea to take a glance at the News online and download the last version or the WebRifleŽ upgrade.